The Person
In each role that Dada Japamantra has played in the last 30 years – motivator, meditation teacher, humanitarian leader, mentor and spiritual advisor – he has focused his activities and existence on the motto “Self-realization and Service to Humanity.” As a monk and missionary, he is dedicated entirely to the mission of helping people to develop their infinite inner potential, and to contribute to universal well-being. Italian by birth and Colombian by adoption, Dada (which means ‘older brother’ in Sanskrit) is a citizen of the world who speaks and writes fluently in four languages. After his rigorous training in intuitional practices, spiritual philosophy and social activism in the Philippines and India in the mid-80’s, he has lived and taught in more than 30 countries on 4 continents, bringing his passion for people, culture, service and the knowledge of the Self to schools, universities, associations and other organizations. In Medellín (Colombia), his homebase since 1996, Dada is the Founder and Spiritual Director of the Ananda Marga Yoga Center and the PanaceAM Foundation.
Instructor and Speaker
As a spirited speaker with a great deal of life experience, Dada’s teachings and advice on the topics of Leadership, Health, Self and Supreme Happiness reflect the transcendental wisdom of what he studies and practices. Through his deep knowledge of human nature, philosophy of life and his atypical and unique approach, he knows how to empower those who are willing to act to transform their lives into a more balanced, satisfying and healthy ‘journey’ towards the discovery of infinite talents, energy and potential that already exist within them. Topics of Dada’s conferences and courses include the Science of Happiness, Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence, Spirituality, the Science of Meditation, Universal Ethics, Bio-Psychology, Liberation of Intellect, Longevity, Healthy Living, and Social Transformation Social, among others.
Inspiring Service, Humanitarian Work and Entrepreneurship
As a humanitarian, having worked with people in poverty and disadvantaged situations, Dada has launched social service projects to improve the lives of those who suffer, and inspire others to contribute their time and resources to do the same.
Despite defining himself as a “businessman by force” – he does not like nor has a passion for business in its own right – Dada has created companies and enterprises to boost his projects towards self-reliance, such as the PanaceAM Foundation in Colombia, which has a Center for Peace and Happiness where retreats for all-round improvement are held, where workshops for youth from the 11th grade help them transition from school to the rest of their lives; and which is a sanctuary to promote and take care of nature, native forests, fauna, and retired workhorses, among many other activities for the common welfare.
The Awakening of the Masses and Social Activism
Dada firmly believes that the main problem of today’s society, which is not tackled by the ‘sleeping masses’, is the lack of benevolent leadership. During his provocative, passionate and even humorous conversations, Dada likes to challenge people’s beliefs and their beloved comfort zone.
He asserts that the exploitative, unfair and violent society that surrounds us can be transformed, thanks to benevolent leadership and responsible leaders who work selflessly to strengthen human values for a more just society. So, there is still hope! Thus, through an integral education, a new socio-economic vision for the development of humanity, Dada is actively working on his passion for… Changing the World!